Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Governor Haslam Under Fire from Fellow GOP Members - Erika Lathon

Watch J. Lee Douglas attacking Governor Haslam.

Tomorrow morning a full page ad, costing $5000, paid for by members of the 9-12 group, will appear in the Tennessean condemning Gov. Haslam for the hiring of Samar Ali, a native born Tennessee Muslim attorney.

Jul 17, 2012 8:53pm (CDT)
A half dozen County Republican Chapters including Williamson County have passed resolutions condemning Governor Bill Haslam or calling for sanctions against him. Some GOP members are taking issue with Haslam employing openly gay staffers and the hiring of Muslim American Attorney, Samar Ali. Tea party members accuse Haslam of abandoning conservative values. State Republican Party Chairman, Chis Devaney says Haslam has a 70% approval rating and calls the attacks a distraction.

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