Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Green laps Barnes early in race with nearly 3-to-1 cash on hand lead

Dr. Mark Green, the Republican candidate for State Senate in District 22, today announced his fundraising totals for the second quarter. Green raised $134,575 for the second quarter, bringing his total raised so far in the campaign to $259,521.

Green led Democrat State Senator Tim Barnes in second quarter fundraising by $71,221, after Barnes reported raising a paltry $63,354 this quarter. Green also leads Barnes in cash-on-hand, a key metric gauging the campaign’s financial strength going forward, by $224,922.53 to $80,340.88, an almost 3 to 1 margin.

“Camie and I have been humbled by the incredible support the good people of Montgomery, Stewart and Houston Counties have shown us thus far in the campaign,” Green said. “My campaign is about electing a State Senator who knows how to create jobs and wants to keep government out of our lives. The numbers in the disclosures make it pretty clear which message is selling,” Green concluded.

Dr. Mark Green is the Republican candidate for State Senate in District 22. No stranger to service, Dr. Green was assigned to the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment as a special operations flight surgeon after completing his residency in emergency medicine in 2002 and served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, Dr. Green is the President and CEO of AlignMD, an emergency department, hospital and urgent care management and staffing company based in Clarksville.

For more information, visit www.markgreenfortennessee.com.

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