Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey endorses Rep. Diane Black for re-election

NASHVILLE -- Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey (R-Tennessee) today announced his endorsement of Rep. Diane Black (R- Tennessee) for re-election to Congress.

“Ever since I have known Diane Black, she has been fighting for the conservative values Tennesseans hold dear,” said Lt. Governor Ramsey. “She was pivotal in denying liberals their dream of an income tax in Tennessee and stood up for the pro-life cause before it was fashionable.”

“In Congress, Diane has continued her conservative leadership fighting against Obamacare, for balanced budgets and limited government,” Ramsey continued.

“The fact of the matter is that Diane was conservative before being conservative was cool. She was championing the issues the tea party holds dear before the movement even had a name,” explained Ramsey. “Diane was essential to creating our successful Republican Majority here in Tennessee and I am thankful she has brought a much needed dose of Tennessee wisdom to D.C.  In the fight against liberals like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid there is no one I’d rather have on my side than Diane Black,” Ramsey concluded.

Black is running for re-election in the newly drawn 6th Congressional District, which includes the following seventeen counties Cumberland, Cannon, Clay, Coffee, DeKalb, Fentress, Jackson, Macon, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, Robertson, Smith, Sumner, Trousdale, White and Wilson counties and a portion of Cheatham and Van Buren counties.

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