Sunday, July 29, 2012

My endorsements for the August 2nd election

U. S. Senate: Bob Corker

This is not even a close call. Instead of running for reelection to the Senate, I actually wish Bob Corker was our Party's presidential candidate.  Bob is conservative, smart, likable, hard-working and pragmatic.  I know that some in the Party think that compromise and pragmatism are bad things. I do not. I think one can be principled and pragmatic. I still hope that Bob Corker will one day be President.

Visit his website
5th Congressional District:  Brad Staats
Whoever gets the nomination will have an uphill fight defeating Jim Cooper. I wish we had a candidate who already had name recognition and had served in public office, maybe someone like Beth Harwell, or a super wealthy candidate with major business success, maybe someone like Lee Beaman.  Unfortunately we do not.

I am reluctantly endorsing Brad Staats.  I say reluctantly, not that I have any reservations about Staats, but because I really like Bob Ries and his daughter Stacy, who always campaigns with him, and I feel bad about not endorsing Bob.  Bob is a friend and Bob has some good ideas. However, when I look at who could best challenge Jim Cooper, I do not think it is Bob Ries.  In making my decision who to support, electability is a factor. I hate to be so blunt, but Bob's age is a factor that would work to his disadvantage.  Also, Bob ran two years ago in  the Republican primary for this seat and came in near the bottom in an eleven-person contest.  Then,  he ran for Metro Council and did not fare too well. Brad Staats does not have that baggage of someone who runs and loses. He is a new face. With Brad Staats, maybe if Republicans would open their wallets, we could have a chance of defeating Jim Cooper. I just don't think we can do it with Bob Ries. 

For more information on Brad Staats see his website here and his FaceBook page

6th Congressional District: Diane Black
 This is not even close. I might could even vote for a Democrat before I could vote for Lou Ann Zelenic. My primary objection to Zelenic is that she does not support the Constitution. She has taken a position that the First Amendment does not apply to Muslims. It is not that I don't have concern about radical Islam but I support the Constitution. We cannot claim we love the Constitution and say that Islam is not really a religion so therefore Muslims are not covered.
To learn more about Diane Black visit her website here

State Senate District 20: Steve Dickerson
Steve Dickerson is a physician and founding partner of Anesthesia Services Associates, currently practicing in Nashville and middle Tennessee. I am very impressed by his grasp of the issues and his passion for finding solutions to pubic policy problems. With health care promising to be one of the most difficult issues facing Tennessee in years to come and the unknowns associated with Obamacare, we need someone with Dickerson's background and intelligence serving in the State Senate.

State Representative 45th District:  Debra Maggart
As a legislator, Debra has quickly risen to be one of the most influential leaders in Tennessee. In 2011, her peers in the Legislature selected her to Chair the Republican Caucus. Much of the credit for passing the Republican agenda including  tax cuts, ending the death tax, tort reform and education reform belongs to Debra Maggart

She has the support of Governor Haslam, Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey, House leader Beth Harwell and luminaries such as economist Authur Laffer.  Because she did not bring to the floor a bill that would establish  that gun owners have the right to carry their guns onto the property of their employer, the gun lobby is making an all out effort to defeat her despite her having a stellar record of defending second amendment rights. She needs to be reelected because she is great legislator and a solid conservative, but it is time someone stood up to the bullies in the gun lobby.  Visit her website here

 State Representative 50th District: Charles Williamson
Charles is a small business man, a geologist and president of Geotechnical & Environmental Service, Inc.  He is also owns and operates a bison farm in Goodlettsville where he has raised buffalo
for the last 20 years. He is a solid conservative and a man of integrity and Charles Williamson is also one of the nicest men you would ever want to meet.  

Visit his webpage here and his Facebook page.

State Representative District 57: Susan Lynn
Susan Lynn served the 57th district from 2002-2010 in the State House. In 2009 she declared her candidacy for the 17th State Senate district when the incumbent senator announced her retirement. Some ten months later the incumbent reversed her decision and Lynn had to face the incumbent in a primary contest. The incumbent Senator won that primary.  Now, Susan Lynn is seeking reelection to the 57th district seat. She was an good legislator and a conservative leader in the House. She deserves to be reelected. 

Visit her website here.  

State Representative District 53: Tonya Miller
Since 2007 Tonya has specialized in Spanish/English interpreting and translating for courts, hospitals and businesses and she is registered with the TN Administrative Office of the Courts. Tonya has a very interesting background and a diverse work experience including serving as an embassy intern in Argentina. She is an active volunteer in her community and has connections with the immigrant community.  

With the growth of the immigrant population in Nashville, I think it would be advisable for the Republican Party to elect someone with ties to that community.  Republicans should not just assume immigrants are a Democrat voting bloc. Tonya Miller is a person who has solid core conservative believes but also has cultural awareness and rapport with people of diverse backgrounds.  

Visit her website here.

 State Representative District 60: Jim Gotto
Jim Gotto 
In 2010 Jim Gotto won election to this seat long held by Democrat Representative Ben West who retired and did not seek reelection. Winning this seat was a tremendous victory for Republicans in Davidson County. Jim has proven himself as a solid conservative and a leader in the House.

During his tenure as Metro Councilman, Jim Gotto distinguished himself as a member who was never afraid to take on the status quo in Nashville. He publicly spoke out against the abuse of eminent domain. He was a joint sponsor of a bill that resulted in an independent Metro Internal Auditor, not one that reports to the Mayor's Office. 

He faces no Republican challenger in the primary. Visit his website here.  

State Representative District 59: Robert Duvall  
Robert Duvall is a principled, common-sense, hard-working, smart conservative who is not hesitant to identify himself as a Republican in the Metro Council. He has done a lot to help build the Republican Party in Davidson County. He cares about his community, Nashville and his country. He supports limited government, private property rights and low taxes.  He is a fighter. Because of his leadership and willingness to stand up to the administration, he is was targeted for defeat by the mayor in the last Council election but Duvall won the election. 

In the recent battle over a property tax increase, the only legislative proposal that would have not have resulted in a tax increase was the Duvall budget. He is now running for the state legislature. He has no opponent in the primary but will face an incumbent Democrat in November.

School Board endorsements will follow in a separate post. 

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