Monday, July 09, 2012

Nashville Republican Activists Favor Staats for Congress at Picnic

Nashville, Tennessee – A good week for the Staats for U.S. Congress Campaign got even better on Saturday, when the members of the Nashville Republican Party voted in favor of first‐time candidate and small businessman, Brad Staats, in the straw poll at their annual picnic. The crowd of over two hundred activists braved the heat to get the chance to hear from the candidates and vote in the straw poll at Centennial Park. The important victory continued the string of successes for Fifth Congressional District Candidate, Brad Staats, who proudly accepted endorsements this week from Republican State Senate Caucus Chair, Bill Ketron, and Senator Jim Tracy.

It was clear that Staats’ message highlighted his small business experience and revealed his middle class, family‐centered background was resonating with voters. A supporter, Jeff Senters, explained that “you can tell that he understands the way Washington is burdening this economy and that he is determined to get us back on track.”

The straw poll victory and warm reception was the exclamation point on a week that built significant momentum for Staats as he looks ahead to the primary and the general against twenty‐two year incumbent Congressman Jim Cooper. Campaign Manager, John Shorter, observed, “With the party establishment starting to line up behind Staats, the support of the GOP activists we earned today, and the successes we’re seeing in grassroots, we’re excited about where the campaign goes from here.” Shorter also added that for a first‐time candidate who only announced three months ago, “Staats has exceeded all possible expectations, and the fact that he’s built this momentum is a testament to his powerful message.”

Brad Staats said with a smile, “I’m just a middle class, small business owner. I’m honored and humbled by all the prayers, donations, and support we’ve received, especially this week, and I’m looking forward to the August 2nd primary and the fall campaign, as our momentum continues to build.”

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