Saturday, July 14, 2012

NRA members must stand up to these bullying tactics

From: votedebramaggart <>
Date: July 13, 2012 10:23:22 PM CDT
To: Debra Maggart <>
Subject: What is the NRA thinking?

 Friends:  I want to share with you what my dear friends Mike & Beverly Fussell sent out in defense of me regarding the false and misleading attacks from my primary opponent and the NRA.  Also, please look at the great photo of my friends here in  Sumner County who support me.  I am touched  by their friendship--this event was put together in just one day. voting is underway and it is critical that I  turn out my vote.  Please forward this email to your friends and family and ask them personally to vote for me NOW. 

Thank you for allowing me to serve you in the Tennessee General Assembly.  

I appreciate you!

Debra Maggart

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 8:44 PM
Subject: What is the NRA thinking?

As a small businessman, and ardent believer in the 2nd Amendment, I chose long ago to affiliate with 2 of the most powerful advocates  in Washington D.C. to represent my interests, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), and the National Rifle Association (NRA).  Both organizations have been powerful and effective representatives in Washington of my perspectives.  However, recent actions by the NRA have caused me to question whether they deserve my confidence and trust going forward!

When the Republican Party inexplicably allowed a "manufactured candidate" to oppose 45th Legislative District State Representative Debra Maggart in the upcoming Republican primary, the NRA, in an astonishing departure from their core mission, chose to intrude into this local race in an unprecedented way.  In the past, the NRA has made modest contributions of $2,500 or less to state legislative candidates who support gun rights.  In this instance, they have targeted Debra's primary race with an unprecedented investment of $75,000!  And why?  Apparently because they mistakenly blame Debra for the failure of the so called "guns in trunks" bill to gain traction in the last legislative session.  On the other hand, the NFIB wholeheartedly endorses Representative Maggart.

As Republican Caucus Chair in the State Legislature, Debra has achieved the highest level of influence and success ever accomplished by a Sumner Countian.  She has represented our local conservative values and principles in stellar fashion.  She was raised a gun enthusiast, and holds a conceal and carry permit.  Her past gun related voting record has been awarded a 100% rating by the NRA, and she is a lifetime member of the organization.  Yet this powerful Washington D.C. lobbyist, in the face of serious threats to our 2nd Amendment rights from the Obama administration, as well as the United Nations, has taken their "eye off the prize", and is using "bullying tactics" (buying a billboard comparing Debra to Barrack Obama is an insult to our intelligence) in targeting Debra in this local primary race that has nothing to do with the Second Amendment.  Because of her success, they apparently think by successfully putting a target on her back, they can intimidate other members of the Republican Caucus to "fall in line".

When AARP abandoned my core beliefs as a senior citizen, I terminated my membership.  Now that I see how the NRA has taken a path similar to the AARP, I feel compelled to voice my strong objection to their actions, and encourage others to do the same.  It's important that they know they cannot come into our community as outsiders and buy an election.  Sumner County NRA members must stand up to these bullying tactics against our trusted friend and avid gun advocate, Representative Maggart, and demand that our national Second Amendment advocate tend to their business in Washington D.C.!  I am asking other NRA members to join me in this protest (you can find their phone number below), and to ask their friends to do the same.

Debra has stood up for us, and now it's time for us to stand up for her!

NRA # 703-267-1000

Mike Fussell
To offer privacy to the original recipient and the sender, I have removed those email addresses. Rod

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