Saturday, July 07, 2012

Pictures from the GOP Nashville Summer picnic

Councilman Duane Dominy with a Karl Dean mask
taunts taxpayers from the dunking booth.


Rod Williams and Tim Skow
A crowd of between 250 and 300 turned out today for the GOP Nashville Summer picnic at Centennial Park today. There was barbecue and all the fixings and cake, balloons, a dunking booth, a straw poll, lots of politicking and socializing.

 Despite the heat wave that has made almost any outdoor activity unpleasant, inside the pavilion with the ceiling fans it was not too bad. MC's for the program were radio talk show host Carl Boyd and State Representative Jim Gotto.

Jim Gotto and Robert Duvall (photo by Randy Foster)

Steve Dickers plays the Tennessee Waltz

Brad Staats
Betty Cannon, left, member of the State Executive
Committee; Bobbie Patray, right, State President of
Eagle Forum. In the background center is Sue Duess and
Louella Ballenger.

Almost all Republican candidates running for office in Nashville were at the event and each were given three minutes to make a speech. In addition to the speeches, candidates mingled among the crowd and spoke one-on-one with people.
Chatting with Bob Corker

Senator Bob Corker addressed the crowd saying we must do all we can to elect Mitt Romney. He said he truly believes that Mitt Romney may be a transformational figure like Ronald Reagan who can restore America's greatness.

He said he had been campaigning with Romney and the charge that Romney cannot connect with people is a myth. He said there had been enthusiastic crowds wherever they have campaigned.

Pat Carl was presented with the Windfield Dunn Leadership award for her service to the Party. She was joined on stage by previous winners which were myself, Tootie Haskins and Senator Jack Johnson. (photo by Randy Foster)

Kathleen Starnes (photo by Randy Foster)
Kathleen Starnes, Chair of the Davidson County Republican Party,  was delighted with today's event saying, "The huge crowd on this hot day, shows that the Davidson Co Republican Party is ready to go- fight -win in 2012 all over the county and including a NEW President."

Davidson County Republican Party Chairman Kathleen Starnes on stage and some of the board members, left to right, Karen Bennett, Tony Roberts, Gail Frosythe, Dan Davis and Nathan James. Other board members were present but Lonnie Spivak and Ken Marrero were counting ballots and others were mingling and did not make it into the picture.

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1 comment:

  1. Great report with great pictures, Ron. The only thing you left out was the heat!
