Saturday, July 28, 2012

Re-Elect Susan Lynn

Dear Friends,

Early voting ends today.  Voting today is from 8 am to 1 pm at the County Election Commission in Lebanon - Charlie Daniels Park in Mt. Juliet - and in Gladeville at the Gladeville Community Center. 
Early voting is going great – we are receiving a lot of positive thumbs up – waves – and many people stopping by to talk after their voting.
Election day is this Thursday, August 2nd, I ask for the honor of your vote to return as your representative in the General Assembly.

My opponent and the powerful McCall PAC sent out two more mailers this week.  They cover the same issues as the previous mailers. 

Please know…

• I voted against the driver’s certificates and I voted to take driver’s licenses away from illegal aliens...more.
• Not only did the Democrat majority never consider me influential enough to convince them to increase the state budget by $10 billion dollars – it did not grow by $10 billion dollars in eight years...more.
• I live in the 57th District – the new boundaries take effect on General Election night, Nov 6, 2012.  The Election Commission approved me for the ballot...more.
• I have NEVER voted for traffic cameras – Elam did not read the bills before she sent out her mailer – but Linda Elam is why we have them in Mt. Juliet today – she voted for them to be here...more.
• I was very careful to never vote for a tax increase. The bills she cites are local government  tax increases which only the local government and the people can pass – she is trying to blame ME for every local government tax increase in the state...more.

Homes with our sign continue to receive lit-drops of two ugly articles.  They are thrown in the driveway or placed on the mail box and even stuffed in their Tennessean.  A maroon truck with a middle aged man has been spotted. Please try to observe his license plate and or take a photo. To understand the origin of these articles please read - they were used in the 2010 State Senate race as well.

I continue to knock on doors every day after work (no, I am not actually a professional politician as my opponent has written - I do have a real job) – my team and I will reach 8000 doors today as we spend this last weekend making a final push. 
We have all lost weight and have deep suntans.  Again this year I am filled with tremendous gratitude for my friends who walk the district with me and for you – you have given us bottles of ice cold water during the weeks of 100+ degree weather, asked us into your air conditioned homes to cool off and we’ve had wonderful conversations.  
It is not a good feeling to have someone attempt to tear down your reputation – seven mailers is a lot – but thank you for recalling my conservative record and for reading the proofs on my website above.  Thank you for remembering our conversations, emails and letters. 
In my first Primary someone very wise told me "Susan, you've got to have faith in the voters - they figure things out and if it doesn't ring true they know it."  In the midst of the storm – to go out and knock on doors and talk to you is the best experience I could ever have…thank you.

I am very grateful for the following endorsements and ratings:
  • The Tennessee Republican Assembly, The conservative wing of the Republican Party.
  • NRA PVF, 'A' Rating from the NRA PVF. 100% Pro-Second Amendment record.
  • Tennessee Right to Life,100% Pro-life record.  Pro-life bill sponsor.
  • The Nashville Tennessean endorsed me in the race writing: "Susan Lynn was an excellent legislator during her four terms and would improve the debate in the House."
My opponent is being funded by A.J. McCall, his family and his powerful PAC.   They have contributed $25,000 of their own money – spent $11,000 on mailers and they have provided over $7000 to my opponent’s campaign account.
We have one last mailer this week, we are up on cable but we’d like to finish out with some newspaper ads and are in need of about $400 more dollars for these. 
Please contribute what you can at and click donate.
Again; please share our new webpage with your friends who may not know the truth about my opponent’s attacks: and or this email.

In conclusion, we are doing great. The race is almost over.  I ask for your vote and please ask your friends to get out and vote too.  As always, if I can do anything to help you, please do not hesitate to call.

Susan Lynn

We need good people like Susan Lynn in the State Legislature. Vote and please donate, Rod

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1 comment:

  1. Very informative post. Thanks for taking the time to share your view with us.
