Monday, July 16, 2012

Rep. Debra Maggart Receives Endorsement From StudentsFirst

Rep. Debra Maggart
Nashville, Tennessee – StudentsFirst, a bipartisan grassroots advocacy organization supporting common sense education reforms, today endorsed Representative Debra Maggart in her bid for reelection as Representative of Tennessee House District 45.
Representative Maggart is a strong supporter of meaningful education reform, and will continue to fight tirelessly to ensure that Tennessee students have access to the quality education they deserve – no matter their zip code.
“We need bold leaders like Debra Maggart in the Tennessee General Assembly to stand up to the status quo, and support common sense education reform that will improve the quality of education for all kids,” said StudentsFirst state director Mike Carpenter.
Tennessee has recently made positive strides in improving education across the state. Representative Maggart is looking forward to building off of this progress, and continuing to push for education reforms that focus on doing what’s best for students.

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