Friday, July 20, 2012

See the 9-12 Project ad attacking Govenor Haslam

In today's Tennessean, there was a full-page, $5000 advertisement paid for by the local 9-12 group called, "an open letter to Governor Haslam and the people of Tennessee." It says the actions of Govenor Haslam may make us subject to Sharia law and attacks Governor Haslam for his administration's hiring of a highly qualified Tennessee attorney who happens to be a Muslim. If you do not subscribe to the Tennessean or missed the ad, below is a link to a copy.

912 Project Tennessee's Resolution delivered to Governor Haslam by mail and via a full page add in the July 20, 2012 Tennessean---Tennessee's paper of record.

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1 comment:

  1. He is not the only "disgruntled" Republican! ANd that is beside the point of the open letter.
