Monday, July 09, 2012

State Senate Candidate Dickerson Shown Overwhelming Support in Davidson County Straw Poll

Dr. Dickerson wins  5 to 1

Steve Dickerson
NASHVILLE, TN.- Dr. Steve Dickerson, the Republican candidate for the State Senate in District 20, won the Nashville GOP Annual Picnic Straw Poll with 82% of the vote.

“I am truly humbled by the amount of support that we were shown today at the Annual Nashville GOP Picnic,” said Dickerson. “This is undeniably just another gauge of overwhelming support that we have experienced as we have worked tirelessly to win meet the voters of the 20th State Senate District.”

The Nashville GOP hosted their Annual Patriotic Picnic on Saturday July 7th at the Centennial Park Pavilion. The Annual Picnic is a fundraiser for the Nashville GOP that gives participants the chance to meet candidates from each district from United States Senate to State House and is concluded with a straw poll.

“Today’s results help us realize that the voters agree with our message and are beginning to see who will best represent them in the State Senate.” Dickerson continued, “As we draw closer to August, I believe that it is even more crucial that we continue to meet voters and carry this momentum to the polls on election day.”

Steve Dickerson is a practicing physician and founding partner of Anesthesia Services Associates. Dickerson attended the University of the South in Sewanee graduating with a B.A. in History. He then received his medical degree at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University. Steve Dickerson has been married to his wife Katrina for 19 years and they have three sons, Reid, Evan, and Bennett.

***Results of the Straw Poll- Steve Dickerson- 158, Rob Mortensen- 29, David Hall- 5

For more information about the Steve Dickerson campaign or to schedule an interview with Dr. Dickerson contact: 615-519-1896 or visit

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