Friday, July 27, 2012

Tennessee statesmen endorse Charles Williamson

Endorsements Announced for State House 50 Candidate

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Charles Williamson
Nashville, TN --- An impressive group of dignified Tennesseans have announced their support of businessman Charles Williamson for State Representative. Former Tennessee Governor Winfield Dunn, State Senators Ben and Sue Atchley, and Representative Frank Niceley have announced their endorsements.

“I am always glad to speak out for a candidate who will do an outstanding job in office, someone who I believe stands for what is best for the people of Tennessee.  In the case of Charles Williamson, I am particularly honored to be able to encourage my fellow Republicans to support such a great candidate.
As a geologist, farmer, and small businessman, Charles will bring real world experience and valuable skills to the major issues facing the Tennessee House of Representatives.  As a person, I know Charles to be honest and principled, and he will put the good of the people over special interests.
I am proud to call Charles my friend and to ask you to support him for State Representative.” 
Winfield Dunn, Governor of Tennessee (1971-1975)
“We know how important it is to have lawmakers who have real-world experience and who understand the impact of government on Tennessee’s economy. Tennessee needs more citizen-legislators who will fight for the voters and not for special interests. Charles Williamson is a hard-working small businessman and farmer.  These skills and experiences have prepared him to be an outstanding representative of the people. Further, he has the rock-solid character to help restore respect for state government in Tennessee. If we had more people like Charles Williamson as legislators during the income tax fights, we would have stopped it in the first year. “We both strongly endorse Charles Williamson for State Representative in District 50.  Charles will be a legislator who will make Tennessee proud.”
Senator Ben Atchley, Senate Republican Leader (1986-2004)
Senator Sue Atchley, State Senator (2011)
“As a longtime Tennessee businessman, and with his involvement in agriculture as a farmer and rancher, Charles Williamson has experience that will offer Tennessee a unique balanced perspective. This is a rare quality and one that will serve Charles well as a Tennessee legislator. I highly recommend Charles to the voters of District 50.”
Representative Frank Niceley of Knoxville,
Chair of the House Agriculture Committee.

A registered professional geologist, Charles Williamson is president of Geotechnical Environmental Services, Inc. and owner of Rockdale Ranch in Goodlettsville where he raises a herd of American Bison. Williamson is running for State House in District 50. The sprawling district encompasses Joelton, Scottsboro, Goodlettsville, Bellevue and parts of West Nashville. The House 50 seat is open as a result of the retirement of Gary Moore.

Williamson is also endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police and was the winner of the Davidson County Republican Party’s annual Straw Poll with 73% of the vote.

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