Wednesday, July 11, 2012

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Endorses Senator Bob Corker

NASHVILLE, TN -  Today, Bob Corker for Senate 2012 announced the endorsement of the United States Chamber of Commerce for U.S. Senator Bob Corker's re-election campaign.  

"It is the Chamber's goal to help elect a pro-business majority in Congress and work diligently in support of the interests of businesses large and small to advance legislation that encourages economic growth, job creation, and a less intrusive federal government," said Thomas Donohue, President and CEO of the United States Chamber of Commerce.  "Senator Corker's record of support on pro-business issues earned this endorsement.  We believe that Senator Corker's re-election to the United States Senate will help produce sustained economic growth, help create more jobs and get our country back on track."

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