Monday, July 09, 2012

Update: What happrended at the July 3rd Council meeting


There is very little of interest that happened at the July 3rd meeting, so you don't need to waste your time watching the video. I watch the Council meetings so you don't have to.

Applicants for the vacancy for the office of the County Court Clerk must submit a resume by 4PM July 10th. On July 16, all candidates must appear before the Rules and Confirmation Committe and the Council will fill the vacancy by on August 7.  Actually the council does not have to fill this position. (Ken Jakes makes a good argument of why the Deputy Clerk should perform the duties of Clerk until the next regular election. I agree!)

RESOLUTION NO. RS2012-331 (see 40:55) which would authorize the purchase of piece of property for the benefit of Julia Green School, two doors down from JG, was deferred indefinitely. Why, I don't know. No one said. This resolution has been approved by the board of education and by the planning commission. All committees of the council that considered it voted for deferral. 

Original post July 4th:
The Council by a vote of 37-1 overwhelming rejected a proposed Cleveland Park waste transfer facility in the face of community opposition. (RESOLUTION NO. RS2012-333) See 41:44. Councilman Maynard argues in favor of the bill and is the only vote in favor. 

A bill on second reading that would allow farmers to sell their produce at roadside stands was approved.

The $10 million bond issue for energy improvements at Bridgestone Arena, which was on the consent agenda, was approved without discussion.

The bill that would require Metro employees to live in Davidson County was deferred. This is a really bad bill that needs to be defeated. Metro employees are an active pro-union, pro-tax voting block and a lobbying force for higher taxes. BILL NO. BL2012-161 (See 1:00:20)

The bill that would take away subsidized health care for future, former Metro Council members was deferred infinitely.  ORDINANCE NO. BL2012-162

Video and more to follow.

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