Monday, July 16, 2012

Update: What's on the Council Agenda July 17th?

The 7/17/2012 Metro Council meeting agenda is now available.Without an agenda, Council meetings can be really, really boring. With an agenda, they age just really boring. You can find  the agenda here and the agenda links to the analysis.

Several appointments to Board and Commission are being considered. One, is  the appointment of Ms. Drost Kokoye to the Human Relations Commission. Ms Kokoye is a Muslim, Kurdish immigrant. Some in our community do not think Muslims, immigrant or native born, should be given government jobs fearing they will conspire to put us under Sharia law (link). I an not aware of any opposition to the appointment of Ms Kokoye to the HRC.

Fourteen resolutions are on the consent agenda, which means they will all be considered at once and pass by voice vote unless someone moves to have a bill taken off the consent agenda. Many of these bill are accepting grants from the state. A couple of the bills authorizes the purchase of property for Greenways.

RESOLUTION NO. RS2012-343 on the consent agenda appropriates $1.8 million dollars to 28 nonprofit organizations selected to receive funding through the community enhancement grants.The biggest chunk goes to various after school programs. I see nothing objectionable in this appropriation. Follow this link to see the full list of agencies getting grants.

RESOLUTION NO. RS2012-347 on the consent agenda approves the salary for the continued employment of the chief medical director of Health. It gives him a $5000 raise.

There are several zoning bills on third reading that would interest no one except the people who live in that neighborhood.

There is really nothing of interest on this agenda. This should be a very short, boring, and calm meeting. I recommend skipping it.

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