Monday, July 09, 2012

Who wants to be County Court Clerk

According to tweets from Joey Garrison of City Paper, nomination letters for the council's special county clerk appointment have been submitted for Brenda Wynn (she works in Jim Coopers office and does a good job with constituent service), Sam Coleman (former Councilman and former candidate for the House seat held by Jim Gotto) and Kenneth Eaton (I believe he is a former candidate for Mayor and owner of a used car lot) and former candidate for Vice Mayor James Baxter. 
Also, Joey tweets, " Three Republicans have inquired about the GOP nomination for the clerk's job. County GOP chair Kathleen Starnes declined to give me names."
And, "The Tennessee Democratic Party's Executive Committee will select its Davidson Co. Clerk nominee to replace John Arriola tonight at 7 p.m."

I agree with Ken Jakes,

Council should not fill the Arriola vacancy.

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