Saturday, July 07, 2012

Who won the GOP Nashville picnic primary election straw poll?

US Senate

  1. Senator Bob Corker with 169 votes
  2. Zack Poskevich with 33 votes
  3. Brenda Lenard with 3 votes

5th Congressional District
  1. Brad Staats with 74 votes,
  2. Bob Ries, 71
  3. Big John Simith, 22
  4. Justin Jones, 3

State Senate District 18
  1. Jeff Corker with 59 votes
  2. Ferrell Haile, 40
  3. J. H. Tony Allers, 17

State Senate District 20
  1. Steve Dickerson with 158 votes
  2. Rob Mortensen, 29
  3. David Hall, 5 

State House District 50
  1. Charles Williamson with 111 votes
  2. D.J. Farris, 30
  3. Dave Hall, 11 

State House District 53
  1. Ben Claybaker with 108
  2. Tonya Miller, 25
Who would you like to see as Mitt Romne'y Vice President?
  1. Marco Rubio with 65 votes
  2. Alen West, 29
  3. Chris Christie, 22
  4. Michelle Backmann, 18
  5. Tim  Pawlenty and Bobby Jindal tied with 9 votes each
  6. Mitch Daniels, 6
  7. Rob POrtman, 4

War are three three primary issues facing Tennessee's state government in 2013?
  1. Passing the constitutional ban of a state income tax, with 103 votes
  2. Controlling illegal Immigration, 91
  3. Tort Reform, 64
  4. Returning Tennessee judicial selection to a vote by the people, 56
  5. Abolishing the Hall Tax, 49
  6. Replacing appointed School Superintendents with elected ones, 32
  7. Re-pass teh Religious Freedom Act vetoed by the Governor this year, 29
  8. Passing the guns in parking lots bill, 21 

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