Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Woody Degan gets the "pants on fire" rating from PolitiFact

Candidate says state hired Vanderbilt alum to make department of economic ...PolitiFact
Bill Haslam has appointed a director at the state Department of Economic and Community Development (ECD) who Degan says specializes in "Sharia compliance" and is working to make the agency "Sharia compliant" in order to "go after Sharia money." Here is ...

Clint Brewer, ECD’s assistant commissioner for communications, wrote in an email that Degan’s assertions are false.

"Samar Ali was hired to be ECD’s international director. Her job duties are to manage the TNTrade export program and to supervise our four international offices in Germany, Japan, China and Canada." He added: "There is no part of her job -- or any department operations -- that involves Shariah compliant finance or Shariah law."

Brewer also said there is no such effort under way, or planned, to make the agency Sharia compliant. "None whatsoever nor will there be any," he said.

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1 comment:

  1. Woody Degan is right about Ms. Ali!

    Those of use who went to school with her know what her agenda is. She DID come straight to TN from the Obama administration, and her function is Sharia Compliant Finance!

    Woody Degan is standing for Christians everywhere when he make his assertions. I've been to his web-site,, and read the materials, including numerous COUNTY GOP PARTY RESOLUTIONS that totally AGREE with Woody Degan. They are themselves condemning Haslem. It would seem that this is a politically motivated attack on Mr. Degan, and a blatant attempt by the Haslem administration to cover for Ms. Ali. Read her background, not just the part that the Haslem administration wants you to know, but the ENTIRE background. See who her father is connected to. Did you know Sen Mark Norris has received campaign donations from both her father and his PAC?! Something smells fishy. Thank You Woody Degan for standing up and taking the heat to warn us of what's coming. You are truly a modern day Paul Revere! God Bless You! Candice
