Sunday, August 19, 2012

2016: Obama's America

I saw this movie a few weeks ago when it was screened in Nashville. It is great! Highly recommended.

2016: Obama's America

2016: Obama's America

‎1hr 29min‎‎ - Rated PG‎‎ - Documentary‎
Director: Dinesh D'Souza - Cast: Dr. Paul Vitz, Dr. Alice Dewey, Dr. Paul Kengor, Willy Kauai, George Obama
Immersed in exotic locales across four continents, best selling author Dinesh D'Souza races against time to find answers to Obama's past and reveal where America will be in 2016. During this journey he discovers how Hope and Change became radically misunderstood, and identifies more »


719 Thompson Lane, Nashville, TN
12:15‎  ‎2:40‎  ‎5:05‎  ‎7:25‎  ‎9:40pm‎
570 Opry Mills Drive, Nashville, TN
11:55am‎  ‎2:10‎  ‎4:25‎  ‎7:15‎  ‎9:30pm‎

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