Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Anti-muslim fanatical faction win Pants-on-Fire award

Anti-muslim website says Bill Haslam promotes the interests of radical IslamistsPolitiFact
Earlier this summer, a handful of Republican Party county committees in Tennessee passed resolutions criticizing Republican Gov. Bill Haslam for hiring Samar Ali, an accomplished young Muslim-American native of Waverly, Tenn., and honors graduate of Vanderbilt University and its law school. Now, at least two new websites are attempting to perpetuate the idea that Tennessee’s governor is somehow involved in a massive conspiracy to "promote the interests" of "Islamist radical ideology," including "Shariah compliant finance."
They go even further, with one post trying to connect the dots between "Sharia compliant finance investments" that the Haslam administration strongly denies going after to the potential maiming of American soldiers in Afghanistan. Dave Vance of Big ...

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