Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Chick-Fil-A Day in Nashville Report

by Peter Voysey went to the Charlotte Ave.Chick-Fil-A about 1 p.m. for lunch today. There was a long, winding line of cars waiting for drive-thru service. I had to park all the way over by the bowling alley.
A young lad (who said he was from the Tennessean) was outside near the main entrance  "asking people why they are here" and taking down quotes and names in a mini spiral notebook.  I saw one likely media
photographer taking stills. I didn't see any local t.v.or radio,  but they may have been there earlier.
I stood in line for about 45 minutes, most of it inside the restaurant. One young employee circulated with cups of water on a tray.
An employee wiping off tables said that they had opened for breakfast at 6 a.m. and that the drive-thru approach was full by 5:30 a.m.
Everybody in line was patient, calm and generally quiet.  We all knew why we were there.
The Chick-Fil-A was fully staffed with smiling employees, getting a workout but thanking all of us for showing up.
Peter Voysey and his wife Gail are organizers of the Green Hills Republican Breakfast Group. 

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