Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ed Commissioner: Metro School Board Violated State Law

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP/NewsChannel 5) - Tennessee Education Commissioner Kevin Huffman said the Metro Nashville school board's decision to put off approval of a charter school application is a violation of state law.

On Tuesday night, the school board discussed the effort by Great Hearts Academies to open a school on the city's affluent west side. After two hours, the board decided to postpone a vote. (link)

My Comment

Why is the School Board taking such an obstinate course of action? Twice the School Board denied Great Hearts' application and, as State law allows, Great Hearts appealed to the State Board of Education, who then ordered the city to reconsider and approve the charter school. Cities do not have sovereignty. The city must comply. 

The State Board of Education has issued a statement that says, "The State Board of Education urges the MNPS Board to take the actions necessary to comply with the requirements of state law. Needless delays, the unnecessary expenditure of MNPS resources, and posturing relative to this charter school approval do not benefit the students of Nashville."

Check back for updates on who voted how, on this issue. 

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