Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Gov. Haslam praises Speaker Beth Harwell

 "It is hard for me to look at what Speaker Harwell has accomplished in her first two years as Speaker in very substantive accomplishments, and not say she has been very effective as a Speaker. That's a very difficult role too. I have a new appreciation for it. When you have 99 elected members all of whom have a little different idea it's difficult to do that even if your party has a big majority. I think most people would look at the job Beth has done and be very, very impressed."

Haslam Praises Harwell Amid Hints of Matheny Challenge

Judd Matheny
Tuesday, August 14th, 2012, by Daniel Potter
Governor Bill Haslam is backing current State House Speaker Beth Harwell, amid hints that a fellow Republican could challenge her control of the lower chamber. Tullahoma Rep. Judd Matheny says he might try to unseat Harwell.Rep.

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