Monday, August 20, 2012

Green Hills Republican Breakfast Club needs a home.

To our great surprise, we find ourselves without a Green Hills meeting venue when
we thought we had one. 
Here, again, are the "Specs":
Your Help In Finding A New Meeting Venue Is Solicited.
Please let us know if you are aware of an organization (company--or
school--or church--etc.) which is:
---Located In Or Near Green Hills
---Can Give Us Meeting Space At No Charge--4th Saturday Of Each Month
---Space Available From 8 am to 11 am On The Meeting Day
---Has Adequate, Free Parking Nearby
---Can Easily Accommodate  25-30 People, With The Capability To
   Squeeze In Up To 60 Or So
--Has a convenient area for coffee and pastry service, incl. electrical for coffee
Peter & Gail Voysey
Peter Voysey <>;
Event Chairmen
Green Hills GOP Summit
GOPNashville/Davidson County Republican Party

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1 comment:

  1. Try the Green Hills Library. Speaker Harwell holds her constituent meetings there. I don't think they open as early as 8 a.m. More like 9 a.m.
