Friday, August 03, 2012

update: Tn Democrat Party disavowed the candidacy of Mark Clayton.

Tennessee Democrats Disavow Senate Candidate Mark Clayton
NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Democratic Party released the following statement in response to Mark Clayton receiving the most votes in the Democratic Primary for US Senate.

“The only time that Clayton has voted in a Democratic primary was when he was voting for himself.   Many Democrats in Tennessee knew nothing about any of the candidates in the race, so they voted for the person at the top of the ticket.  Unfortunately, none of the other Democratic candidates were able to run the race needed to gain statewide visibility or support.

“Mark Clayton is associated with a known hate group in Washington, D.C., and the Tennessee Democratic Party disavows his candidacy, will not do anything to promote or support him in any way, and urges Democrats to write-in a candidate of their choice in November.

 Original post: 

Tn Democrat Party has reportedly disavowed the candidacy of Mark Clayton, winner of its Senate Primary last night to challenge Bob Corker. I can understand. He sounds nothing like a Democrat.

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