Sunday, August 19, 2012

Letter from top Haslam aide seeks to clear 'confusion' over Muslim hire ...

Letter from top Haslam aide seeks to clear 'confusion' over Muslim hire ...The Republic, August 19, 2012
"I want to start by clearly expressing there is no effort by the Haslam administration, the State of Tennessee, or any agency or department of the State to promote or advance Shariah law or Shariah complaint finance," he said in the letter. "The ...

"The promotion or advancement of religious ideology is an inappropriate role of state government that is unacceptable, and will not happen during this administration."

The Haslam administration's efforts to defuse grumbling among some fellow Republicans comes as Rep. Judd Matheny, R-Tullahoma, mulls a challenge to House Speaker Beth Harwell .....

J. Lee Douglas, .....said in a recent email to fellow members ....."We must have someone leading our legislators who is less about compromise, less about the next election and someone who needs media approval less than he needs our approval and God's approval," he wrote in the email. (read more)

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