Wednesday, August 29, 2012

More from Tampa: Report # 7

Debra Maggart  In TENNESSEE we told the truth to the teachers union and reformed tenure. Gov. Christie ! 
Democrats believe in teacher unions-WE believe in teachers ! Great point Gov. Christie
 debramaggartRT @HeyTammyBruce: What a night! Congratulations & thanks @AnnDRomney for presenting one of the most inspiring speeches we've had in ...
 matthewhurtt Me and the next Senator from Texas:
 matthewhurtt Hanging out with @ChuckGrassley:
Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey Line of the night by Governor Chris Christie: "Democrats believe in teacher UNIONS. We believe in TEACHERS." We proved that in a big way in Tennessee. 
Mary Littletonposted to Celebrating the evening with
Tennessee's living legends... Gov. Dunn,
Sen. Brock and Ted Welch!

Kathleen Starnes added 6 new photos.
Here is the famous picture of TN giving
all 58 Delegates to Romney.

matthewhurttRT @Presto202: 5K delegates at #GOP2012. Meet 3 first-time time dels, including @matthewhurtt. #Romney #RonPaul
 Matthew Hurtt says delegates can help shape Republican ideals.

"You know, it's a two-party system in America and, if we want to see change, I'm convinced that we have to work within one of the two parties," he said.

 robints MSNBC's refusal 2cover speeches of non-Caucasian Republicans N primetime proves commitment 2 racist narrative #tcot

TNGOP.@MittRomney sons extol dad's work ethic to Tennessee delegates @BillHaslam says voters have ‘really clear’ choice in presidential election

 matthewhurtt Spending the morning with Iowans. .@SenRandPaul at the Iowa breakfast:  Rand Paul talks about the successes and setbacks of Ron Paul's Presidential campaign. #GOP2012

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