Friday, August 17, 2012

Rep. Judd Matheny could challenge Beth Harwell for House Speaker

WKRN, Nashville News
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Republican Representative Judd Matheny sounded more and more Wednesday like he may challenge fellow party member Beth Harwell for House Speaker.....

 He continued, "When core constitutional principles were compromised as I feel they were in the past session, there is a lot of faith that has been lost in the status quo, and I refuse at this point in time to endorse the status quo and be part of its current projectory."

Matheny was referring to the "guns-in-parking lots bill".....

My Comment

Anyone who can so misconstrue the Constitution does not deserve to be Speaker. I am not even sure they deserve to be a Representative.  The Second Amendment is a restriction on government, not your neighbor who does not want you to carry a gun onto his property.

The First Amendment is also a restriction on government. Would Matheny interpret it to require the Tennessean to publish your letter to the editor?

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  1. I'll be asking my Republican Representative to vote for Judd Matheny for House Speaker.

  2. I'll be asking my rep. to vote for JUDD MATHENY for House Speaker.
