Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Sherry Jones: Robert Duvall hates every body....

Rep. Sherry Jones (D-59), Minority Whip, is running for re-election to the Tennessee House. She has served 17 years in the legislature. She is being opposed by Councilman Robert Duvall. Rep. Jones spoke at the Democratic Unity Breakfast August 4, 2012. Here are her comments:

Let's talk about my campaign. I have one of the most conservative radical council members running against me, Robert Duvall. You all known him.  He hates everybody, where I, on the other hand, love everybody. OK? We are just now getting started. We are looking for lots of people to go door to door, to help make phone calls. We need every body's help.

We would like to send a message to Robert, and to Duane Dominy too actually, now that I think about it, and to all other Republicans that we are the party of the people.  We are the Party that takes care of people. We are the best damn party out there.

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