Thursday, August 09, 2012

Tennessee State Fair Commission to Meet

Thursday, August 09, 2012 | 11:38 am

NASHVILLE – The newly appointed Tennessee State Fair and Exposition Commission will meet Aug. 23 at 2 p.m. Central time at the UT Extension Central Region Office at Ellington Agricultural Center, located at 5201 Marchant Drive in Nashville.

The agenda includes a review of the commission’s legal authority and responsibilities, organizational matters including selection of officers, selection of a not for profit corporation to operate the 2012 Tennessee State Fair and discussion of plans for selecting future operators.

The meeting is open to the public. Individuals interested in addressing the commission should contact the Tennessee Department of Agriculture at 615-837-5103 or arrive prior to the meeting in order to be placed on the agenda.

The Tennessee State Fair and Exposition Commission was created by the Tennessee General Assembly earlier this year to select and supervise a Tennessee not for profit corporation for the purpose of operating a fair or exposition, and to grant exclusive use of the name “Tennessee State Fair” or “Tennessee State Exposition.”

The commission comprises nine members including the commissioners of Agriculture, Tourist Development and Economic and Community Development; the University of Tennessee Dean of Extension; the president of the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation; an appointee by the mayor of the host county; and, appointees by the governor. Members recently appointed by Gov. Bill Haslam include Williamson County Mayor Rogers Anderson of Franklin, Bo Roberts of Nashville and Hale Moss of Mt. Juliet. Mayor Karl Dean’s appointee is former Metro Councilman Jim Forkum.

For more information, contact the Tennessee Department of Agriculture at 615-837-5103.

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