Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TNGOP Chairman's Statement On Platform Committee Passage

TAMPA, FL – Today, the Committee on Resolutions passed the 2012 Republican Platform. On the committee were Chris Devaney, Chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party, and Congressman Marsha Blackburn, who also co-chaired the committee. 
Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney released the following statement:
Today the committee passed a Republican platform that supports measures to restore our economy, reduce the debt, defend our country and stand up for our Tennessee values. This is a winning platform and one that moves our country forward.

I also want to commend Congressman Blackburn. She did an outstanding job helping to lead the Platform Committee. She represented our state well.

Devaney served on the Subcommittee for Economy and Jobs. The platform will be presented to the Republican National Convention next week. 

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1 comment:

  1. I was thrilled to see Rep. Marsha Blackburn chairing the Platform Committee on C-SPAN. She is very confident as a leader.
