Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tremendous event in Tampa comes to a close: Report # 10

Rod's comment: Wow! I am overwhelmed! Great speech. Emotional! A great convention. I am so pumped up. At the conclusion, I stood up in my bedroom and applauded. For the sake of our nation, for the future of the idea of liberty, for the concept that a people can govern themselves, we must win this next election. I honestly believe there has never been a more important election facing this country than this one. Will we go down the path of dependency and bankruptcy and mediocrity or will we embrace the vision that has made America a unique nation among nations? America is more than a country; it is an idea. Do the American people have what it takes to hold on to it?

  Mitt Romney: "That America, that united America, will preserve a military that is so strong, no nation would ever dare to test it."
"More backbone" About to have a vertebral & cerebral POTUS!

  "My promise is to help you & your family" says POTUS2B Romney. Yeah.
  Mitt Romney: "We must rein in the skyrocketing cost of healthcare by repealing and replacing Obamacare." Absolutely. 

 Romney laying out the plan to turn this ship around ! Five steps to rebuilding America 

  12 MILLION NEW JOBS. Nuff said.  

  My chill bumps have chill bumps...Loving the Winans. Faith, Family, Freedom.  

Romney nailed it! Can there be ANY doubt about November? 

Mitt Romney: "That America, that united America, will preserve a military that is so strong, no nation would ever dare to test it." 

"My promise is to help you & your family" says POTUS2B Romney. Yeah.

  Romney laying out the plan to turn this ship around ! Five steps to rebuilding America

Gov. Romney clearly emotional talking about his family. Now talking policy and getting stronger.
Mitt Romney: "I am running for president to help create a better future. A future where everyone who wants a job can find one."

  Mitt Romney: "I am running for president to help create a better future. A future where everyone who wants a job can find one." 

 Mitt Romney: "In America, we celebrate success, we don't apologize for success" Amen, brother! 

 FIRED UP crowd. As my pastor says, Ready to charge hell w a water pistol! Empowered!  

  Romney: "You know there's something wrong with the job he's done as president if the best feeling you had is the day you voted for him." 

POTUS2B getting teary talking about his parents. No faux here. 

 Mitt Romney: "When the world needs to do really big stuff, you need an American." Great line. 

Bill Hagerty of TN greets our next POTUS, Mitt Romney.
"The American Miracle lives on..." by electing Romney, says Rubio

  Sen. : "Dreams that were impossible anywhere else, they come true here." Very inspirational stuff and very, very true. 

"They were never rich but they were successful" Rubio describes his hardworking parents. Example!

Fantastic Speech by Rubio! I am proud to be an American!  Rubio for President!

Sen. : "Hope and Change has become Divide and Conquer."
Rubio on Obama: "Our problem is not that he's a bad person. It's that he's a bad president."

Clint Eastwood: "When somebody does not do the job, we gotta let 'em go."

 Rod's comment: Client Eastwood is great! "Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party." Lots of great one-liners!  

Clint Eastwood: "Now it may be time for somebody else to come along and solve the problem." Indeed. Indeed.

Debra Maggart Rumor had it security Is clearing the aisle by the TN DELEGATION FOR CLINT EASTWOOD We will know soon!
Clint Eastwood, NBD:
Looking forward to hearing from film legend Clint Eastwood. So many great films. More than few with strong conservative themes.

I'm kind of wondering why a Summer Olympian is introducing Dan Jansen and Scott Hamilton.
Debra Maggart: Hey @WKU Republicans-Check out this cool Romney Ryan red towel!

  GE Smith and Tyler Hicks is a pairing that gods would dream up.
  Great to hear from the small businessmen has helped throughout his career. Great stories reveal true breadth of his experience.

The is in quite a pickle over a few rogue Ron Paul folks...

This is a pretty good prebuttal of any potential attacks next week on Bain.

I'm hearing as thanks to . And I'm on the floor of the ! Makes for chuckles on my part.

I know nothing about music but here's my theory on GE Smith: Horns. Take a well-known tune. Add some horns.

Um, I'm not hearing govt programs or agencies...just the love of those who love He that is Greater than us all.
Personal service versus personal piety...& no Rev. Wright spew...Yep. Sounds like a good man.

Rod's Comment: Jeb Bush just complemented Governor Bill Haslam for his role in education reform! Good education speech by Jeb.

Shout out to and TN's education reforms!

Right about now the NEA is melting down listening to Gov Jeb Bush explain "choices"


Gov Jeb Bush schooling us on what we need to do to really turn education around in this country

Why won't CNN show the black guy? Are they racists?

Hark! A voice of Tennessee! Fred Thomspon narrates the video of the generation we must protect from debt & a failing nation. 

That's ... The narrator. Right?

Rod's Comment: I was pleased to see Craig Romney speak in Spanish although I could not understand it. I was pleased to see the clip recognizing all of the Hispanic Senators, Governors and other Hispanic elected officials. I know there is a tiny "English-only" xenophobic segment of the Party, but it is a small segment. I think most Republicans welcome those who share our values, regardless of their native language or country of origin. 

Craig Romney doesn't have to emote or conjure up passion. Authentic.

Romney: "Americans are tired of being tired."

Hope has left the Democratic Building. It's palpable in Tampa+across nation thru GOP Convention. Now, Change just has to catch up!   

The weeklong effort to draw a parallel between Carter and Obama has reached its logical apex -- a history lesson from Newt Gingrich.

Newt goes there....Obama=Carter=Disrespect.

The Ronald Reagan tribute... Man.
Kathleen Starnes  Last breakfast w Santorium 
Debra Maggart Fun times with TN First Lady Betty Dunn at the RNC Convention. Getting ready to nominate the next President of the United States
Debra Maggart Republican Women are still the life of the Party!
One of best political friends and a trusted prayer warrior Betsy Van Dam. It is a great night! Follow me on Tweeter @randystamps for updates on the floor. We believe in America! — at 2012 Republican National Convention.

 For more reports from Tampa see Report #1, Report #2, Report # 3, Report # 4, Report # 5, Report # 6, Report #7, Report # 8 and Report # 9.

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1 comment:

  1. I found a video and listened to what Craig Romney said in Spanish. A very basic translation:
    Good evening. It is a pleasure to be with you. I spent a few years living and working in Chile. Through that experience I was able to appreciate even more how Hispanics have supported the rich diversity of the United States. My father, Mitt Romney, is a family man and is a great husband, father and grandfather. He knows how to unite our country and appreciate that we are a nation of immigrants, united in our desire to achieve the American dream. He loves our nation. He will fight to confront the challenges that we have and to restore the greatness of the United States.
