Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What are our Republican friends doing in Tampa: #5

Republican National Convention Part I: 'Oh My God, There's Matt Lauer'
Nashville Scene, by Steven Hale on Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 10:52 AM

“By the way, there’s no Fox News here," says Julia Hurley, on the phone from her hotel in Tampa, Fla. "There’s no Fox News. I can’t believe it.....

Hurley, the outgoing state representative, and famously, former Hooter's waitress, has graciously agreed to be our primary source at the Republican National Convention. We can't be there ourselves, so we'll be checking in with her throughout the week for updates on all the politicking, speech-making, and hobnobbing — but mostly the hobnobbing.  ....

Hurley explains that delegates from swing states are put up closer to the heart of the convention, presumably an act of encouragement to remind them how much they're needed in November. Delegates from in-the-bag states like Tennessee won't be on the front lines of the presidential race, and so they find themselves a bit further from the action. Moreover, to get to the city they must cross a causeway, which the state of Florida closes when wind speeds exceed 45 mph. 

Rules change agreement averts floor fightHuman Events, August 28, 2012 | 12:46 PM
At one point, the phones at the Tennessee GOP state headquarters were shut down after a flood of irate calls protesting Rule 15/16, one source told us. There was some talk among convention delegates arriving in Tampa Sunday that the rules rewrite was ..

Notes on Tennesseans at the Republican National Convention ...
From the Tampa Bay Times: During the convention in Tampa next week, nearly 250 delegates from Tennessee will be staying at the historic Safety Harbor ...

 Video: Tampa town leaders give TN Republican Party key to city ...
Tennessee delegates arrive in Safety Harbor for the Republican National Convention, as Tropical Storm Isaac moves along the Florida coast.

Claire Crouch 1:09pm Aug 27
Congressman Fleishmann also spoke to our group. Congressman Duncan is here with us and will speak to us later in the week. We have many of our state legislators here with us. I expect to see our Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey later this evening, our Speaker Harwell Wednesday and our Governor Haslam later in the week, probably Thursday. The theme of our convention is "A Better Future." Our morning update states "We Can Do Better." "During the last campaign, Barack Obama promised so boldly, but during his administration, he delivered so poorly. The result - the longest sustained period of high unemployment since the Great Depression, lower pay for middle-class families, rising national debt, dashed hopes and diminished dreams. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are prepared to implement an optimistic, achievable plan to increase opportunity and shared prosperity for Americans of every class, every age and every ethnic background. Mitt Romney refuses to believe that America's future is one of long-term unemployment and widespread proverty. He will never accept that we've been outdone, or that American workers can no longer compete. Mitt Romney knows we can do better - and he's got a plan to make sure of it."

Blackburn Announces Speaking Role At
Republican National Convention

Tampa, FL -- Representative Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) announced today her speaking role at the Republican National Convention. Tennessee’s only elected speaking at the Convention, Representative Blackburn is scheduled to take the stage Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 at 4:54pm Eastern and her remarks will be live on C-SPAN and C-SPAN.org. She will address the gathered delegates about her work co-chairing the Republican Party’s Platform Committee. The Republican Party Platform will be available tomorrow at www.gop.gov.

“I’m honored to address the Party’s delegates and present the Party’s Platform. The Committee work has been a great exercise in grassroots democracy as we gathered input from across the country, then came together to discuss, nominate, and vote on the direction the Great Opportunity Party will take in the next four years. This is a Platform we all can be proud of as we work to restore faith, freedom, hope, and opportunity.”

Congressman speaking to the delegation at tonight's dinner

Congressman Marsha Blackburn, co-chair of the RNC platform committee, address the delegation

Great breakfast and conversation with Senator Corker this morning!

Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey Having a great time with my Tennessee friends here at the Republican National Convention in Tampa. Looking forward to celebrating the nomination of America's Comeback Team: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan VP

Finnish coverage of my trip to the 2012 Republican National Convention.

. about to be LIVE on Channel 3 (Memphis) from Tampa Bay.

Catch me tonight on The Thom Hartmann Show at 7:30PM EST. I will be discussing President Obama's war on human...

Virginia Delegate Chris Stearns is playing guitar in the bar of the Clearwater Marriott.

Phil Valentine is in Tampa for the Republican convention. With Hurricane Mark Valentine, they'll be reporting on all the news there.

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