Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Update 2: what happened at the 8/7 Council Meeting: Wynn wins

Brenda Wynn was elected County Court Clerk by the Council to fill the remainder of term of office of John Arriolo who resigned in disgrace creating the vacancy. She was elected by a vote of 28 to 9. Charlie Tygard sought the office also, pledging he would only serve out the remainder of the current term and would not seek reelection to the office and he would donate the salary to charity. Tygard got votes from Bennett, Glover, Stites, Claiborne, Tenpenny, Weiner, Blalock, Dominy, and Duvall. Read more here and here.

Council Member Karen Johnson presents a large version of a framed resolution honoring  Mrs. Rosetta Miller Perry as a "civil rights pioneer."  She takes the opportunity to criticize the Council. (Starts at 2:28)

Congressman Jim Cooper attends the Council meeting and his presence is recognized but he gets no face-time on TV.

The election of the County Court Clerk starts at 22:28. Each candidate is given five minutes. Mr. Eaton withdraws his name from consideration. Charlie Tygard makes a good presentation.  If I would have been serving in the Council, I would have had to vote for Charlie Tygard. He makes a very good case, promising not to seek reelection to the office and offering to donate his salary to the city. (The election is concluded at 37:58)

A discussion of Bill 2012-195, on public hearing, starts at 46:09.  This bill would rezone hundreds of acres in midtown along the corridor of the proposed East-West  bus rapid transit route (BRT). Included in the proposed BRT plan is a new authority to impose new taxes on the properties along this corridor. Several people speak against the bill. There is a lot of unknowns about this proposal. How many riders on the BRT? How will it be funded? What will it cost? In my view, this bill was very premature. The bill is wisely deferred for two meetings. Discussion ends at 56:40.

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