Saturday, August 25, 2012

What they are doing in Tampa, Report # 1

I wish I was at the convention but I am not. I will be reposting or linking tweets, Facebook post, email accounts,blogs post and news stories from people we know or about people we know. I hope none of them get caught skinny dipping. You never know what Republicans might do when they leave town.

BethCampbell Well, 24 hours to touchdown in Tampa. This morning I will get my boarding pass and finish up picking up last minute items, including a small flashlight, just in case power goes out in our hotel. I will try to send photos to my facebood page. Let's all cheer for America's Comeback Team!!
Adam Nickas @NickasTN
Registration table being prepared for the arrival of TN delegates tomorrow. #GOP2012
It's still great weather here in Tampa.! No sign of Isaac yet to rain on our Republican parade!

#Isaac delays GOP convention to Tuesday RT @NBCNews BREAKING: First day of Republican National Convention canceled, GOP officals say
Mildly annoyed by the shakeup with my transportation to the @RonPaul rally from the airport, then to the dinner from the rally tomorrow.

Practicing my speech on the convention stage @GOPconvention

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