Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What's happening in Tampa: Report # 6

I met Scott Walker today; told him I was very happy to travel to Wisconsin to help him win .

The Oak Ridge Boys with a stirring acapella rendition of Amazing Grace!

Thanks to all my new followers who came on board at the height of shenanigans today. What a blow to the ... 

Time To Sing at The RNC

RobinTSmith ‏@robints
Another very class act in GOP leadership, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers. Her personal testimony is a blessing like Sher Valenzuela.
We are singing Amazing Grace with and our Oak Ridge Boys 

Sitting on the RNC Convention floor waiting to see and Hendersonville TN's Oak Ridge Boys!

Amazing Grace...it doesn't come from the government but from our Creator!

Chris Christie's rendition of "God Bless the USA" was superb.

The obligatory singing of "Proud to be an American"

Breaking: "Proud To Be An American" is being sung at the -- but not by Lee Greenwood.

Highlight of today: Being interviewed by 's team. Although I couldn't find on the map. 

Just bumped into David Koch, a delegate from NY.

And the biggest cheer of the night just went up for Wisc. Gov. Scott Walker.

Look, in front! It's Beth Cambell!

Tennessee roll caller celebrates having given women the vote.

TN-great 2C ,world's best RNC Committeewoman Peggy Lambert Nroll call.Lots of other hardworkers out of view.

TN Governor announces that all of TN's 58 delegates are cast for

With New Jersey's delegates counted, Mitt Romney is the nominee.
Indeed, it's New Jersey!

Governor Ron Ramsey

Waiting patiently for Tennessee's opportunity to officially nominate Mitt Romney for President!

Just presented the platform to the full convention. Overwhelmingly accepted!  

I think Boehner pulled the old speaker's trick of hearing the side he wanted to win.
Rules adopted among a sea of loud Nos. 
Rules committee member John Ryder told me this morning that the Paul people probably wouldn't be able to stop the rules change. 
Texans are still chanting "Point of Order" about Paul. Sununu trying to pass the rules. 
Reince Priebus actually had to use the gavel to try to restore order. Texas keeps trying to shout down the speaker. The GOP leadership is now just trying to move on while people keep shouting.
Great to be on the floor at the Republican National Convention in Tampa with my friend Governor .

Ron Paul just walked by.

Great day at the Republican National Convention! Look forward to hearing Governor Chris Christie and Ann Romney's speeches later tonight.
We are finally getting this Party started! Delegates boarding the buses to head to the RNC Convention.

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