Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Why is Courtney Rogers lying to you?

Courtney Rogers is going around Sumner County saying Representative Debra Maggart has the same record on gun rights as President Obama.
Why is Courtney Rogers lying to you?
Let's examine the facts:
- Debra Maggart has consistently been given an A+ rating by the NRA—the highest rating possible on gun rights.
- Debra Maggart voted to expand our 2nd Amendment rights in Tennessee State Parks (See for yourself here: House Bill 961).
- Debra Maggart voted to ensure Tennesseans can protect themselves in restaurants and establishments (See for yourself here: HB 962)
- Debra Maggart voted to ensure no government entity could ever take away a Tennessean's firearm during an emergency (See for yourself here: HB 1778)
- Debra Maggart voted for the Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act, a law that protects Tennessee guns made here and kept here from overzealous federal regulation (See for yourself here: HB 1796)
- Debra Maggart voted to allow Tennesseans to safely transport their firearms in their vehicles, regardless of whether they have a hand carry permit or not (See for yourself at: HB 2567)
- Debra Maggart voted to make sure there is never a thumbprint requirement for a government database on firearm purchases (See for yourself at: HB 254).
- Debra Maggart has been endorsed by the Tennessee Hunters Alliance, a common sense, Tennessee 2nd Amendment rights group.
With all these facts in her favor, why is Courtney Rogers lying to you? Why would she run such a dishonest campaign against Debra Maggart, a fighter for our conservative rights? Conservative leader and Tennessee Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey said, "Conservatives have no better friend in the Legislature than Chairman Maggart." (The Tennessean, March 25, 2012).
Debra Maggart has fought for jobs, cut taxes, balanced the budget, and expanded our gun rights. Why would Courtney Rogers run such a false, negative campaign against one of Hendersonville's own?
Call her campaign and demand she stops using smear tactics against Debra Maggart at 615-851-4791.

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  1. I think the people stating these facts are the NRA Rod. Haven't heard or seen that from Mrs. Rogers. If anyone needs to apologize for dirty, smearing, out right lying politics it should be Debra Maggart! The polls will speak volumes for the people in the 45th District!

  2. The Tennessee Hunters Alliance is NOT a 2nd Amendment rights group at all. If you go to their website, it talks only about hunters rights, not about the right of the general public to keep and bare arms
