Sunday, September 23, 2012

Council committee Meeting on the poll book issue

To really understand what goes on in the Metro Council, one needs to know what goes on in committee. It is in committee that the hard work of the Council is done.  Here is a joint meeting of the Budget and Finance Committee and the Rules Committee, where the controversy over the electronic poll books are exploded.  This hearing takes place on Monday prior to the Tuesday night September 18th council meeting. This meeting is an hour long.

Albert U. Tieche, Administrator of Elections, makes the presentation on the controversy surrounding the electronic poll books. How some voters accidentally got a Republican ballot and how this problem has already been resolved is fully explained. It is clear that the Election Commission had no control over the default to the wrong option. If in doubt about this issue, please watch this committee meeting. There was no conspiracy and no shenanigans. Tim Garrett makes an excellent point in explaining that the default would have been to Democrats had Democrats had a majority in the State House. In this committee meeting, Jerry Maynard is much more reasonable that he is the next night on the Council floor.

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