Monday, September 10, 2012

Courtney Rogers received Small Business endorsement

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) today endorsed Courtney Rogers in her race for the State House in Tennessee’s 45th  House District.

 “Courtney Rogers will be a very strong supporter of free enterprise in Nashville and will work to protect small businesses in House District 45,” said Jim Brown, state director of NFIB/Tennessee. “Courtney Rogers is the clear choice for small business because she will emphasize reducing the burdens of government on hard-working entrepreneurs.” 

Rogers said, “I greatly appreciate NFIB’s support for my campaign. I will continue to fight for less government and less red tape so our small-business job creators can get back to doing what they do best, which is grow Tennessee’s economy. Tennessee is a great place to do business, but we have more to do to make it even better.” 

NFIB’s endorsement is critical to the Rogers campaign. Small business owners and their employees vote in high numbers and are known for actively recruiting friends, family members and acquaintances to go to the polls. NFIB has pledged it will activate its grassroots network on behalf of the Rogers campaign. NFIB’s political support is based on the candidates’ positions and records on small business issues. 

Rogers is a 28-year Air Force and Air National Guard veteran and resident of Goodlettsville, TN for 18 years where she lives with her husband, Mike, and three children. 

You can find out more about Courtney at

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