Thursday, September 27, 2012

Democrat State House Candidate advocates Income Tax, Death Tax, Living Wage

NASHVILLE, TN, TNGOP – At a candidate forum on Monday, the Democrat nominee for State House in District 25 promoted the implementation of a progressive income tax and a living wage, and keeping in place the death tax.
The comments came from the Democrat nominee in District 25 at a Pleasant Hill, TN forum.
"Tennesseans have to wonder if the Tennessee Democrat Party has encouraged their candidates to adopt this extremist, big government agenda which would amount to some of the largest tax increases in our state's history," said Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney.

"While many Democrats in our state desperately attempt to disassociate themselves with the failed economic policies of Barack Obama, it appears the President's big government philosophy has taken solid root within the Tennessee Democrat platform. Are these the far-left ideological policies that Democrat House Leader Craig Fitzhugh wants his party's nominees to unite around? Will Craig Fitzhugh denounce this radical legislative agenda or will he remain silent?

"Tennessee Republicans, working with Governor Haslam, have made tremendous progress in reducing the size of government by eliminating unnecessary regulations and enacting more tax cuts in this year's budget than any other in our state's history. That's the path we need to stay on; not return to the path of more taxes, more debt, and massive government," concluded Devaney.

Audio of the comments made by the Democrat nominee in State House District 25 can be heard HERE.

My comment: The Democrat candidate challenger advocating a State income tax, a living wage, and the death tax is Flo Matheson.  The incumbent is Rep. Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville.

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