Friday, September 21, 2012

Fairgrounds informational event coming up Oct. 1

Those who want to save the fairgrounds, need to stay involved. The battle is not over.

State Fairgrounds neighbors, stakeholders, and the general public can learn about possible uses for the Fairgrounds and share their thoughts and opinions at an open house from 5-8 pm Monday, October 1, at the Fifty Forward Knowles Center, just outside the Fairgrounds gate at the corner of Wedgwood and Rains.  This will be a "drop-in" session; visitors can come and go at any time with no need to stay for the entire event.
Phase 2 of the Fairgrounds Master Plan Study examines the marketability, economic impact, and physical characteristics of potential mixed-use development on the Tennessee State Fairgrounds site; the Master Plan webpage has more information about the process.

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