Saturday, September 29, 2012


Respected Democrat calls Duvall “uniquely qualified” to represent District 59

ANTIOCH, TN – Former State Representative Ben West, Jr. today endorsed District 33 Metro Councilman Robert Duvall in his campaign for State Representative in House District 59. A respected figure in the Nashville political community, West served areas of Donelson, Hermitage, and Southeastern Davidson County in the Tennessee House of Representatives as a Democrat from 1985 until 2011.

“It is my great pleasure to offer support to Robert Duvall in this campaign,” West said. “I have had the opportunity to work with both individuals seeking this seat in the Legislature and I know Robert Duvall has the background, understanding and commitment to the people of Antioch and southeast Davidson County needed to represent the community well. I know Robert Duvall is a man who cares deeply about this community and its future. His in-depth understanding of the particular challenges and opportunities here make him uniquely qualified to serve as a strong voice in the legislature. Robert doesn’t view service as a personal privilege. He views it as an opportunity to positively impact the people who call District 59 home. He will be a great advocate for everyone, regardless of their party or political background.”

Duvall thanked Representative West for his endorsement and noted West’s standing in Nashville’s political history. “Over the years, our city has been blessed with community leaders who have had a hand in leading Nashville forward. Ben West, Jr. and the entire West family rank at the top of that list of leaders. I am fortunate to have his support in this effort and thank him and his wife Phyllis for their personal endorsement. I have consistently said I want a positive campaign that allows us to express our contrasting views about the future of District 59. Having members of both parties come together behind my candidacy shows my desire to be a community representative is resonating across south and southeast Davidson County. Representative West’s endorsement is a sign to all that we can work together to make our home a better place to live.”

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