Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nashville schools to lose $3.4M over rejection of Great Hearts

Nashville schools to lose $3.4M over rejection of Great Hearts 

Sep 18, 2012, The Tennessean

The money is being withheld “as a consequence of the district’s refusal to follow state law,” the release said. The department is punishing the Metro school board because of the board’s refusal to approve the controversial Great Hearts Academies charter school even after directed to do so by the State Board of Education.(link)

Comment:  This should surprise no one. The State Board of Ed said there would be consequences for failure to follow the directive to approve the Charter school and there are.  

Some have tried to argue that Republicans complain about federal mandates and interference but accept State mandates and interference. There is a big difference. All of Metro's authority derives from the State. Metro is a not sovereign; states are. The constitution limits the power of the Federal government and leaves all powers not enumerated to the states or the people. There is nothing in the State constitution establishing a similar relationship between cities and the state. 

The five who voted to not approve Great Hearts should be impeached. Unfortunately, they can not be impeached darning the first 180 days in office.

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