Thursday, September 06, 2012

Small business endorses Robert Duvall in House District 59.

Robert Duvall
The National Federation of Independent Business, Tennessee’s leading small business association, has endorsed Robert Duvall in the race for the 59th House District. The endorsement was made by NFIB/Tennessee SAFE (Save America’s Free Enterprise) Trust, which is comprised exclusively of NFIB members. The general election will be held Tuesday, November 6th.

Robert Duvall is in his second term in the Metro Council where he has distinguished himself for service to his district, advocacy of government efficiency, and opposition to tax increases. In the most recent property tax battle, Robert Duvall was the only Council member to introduce an alternative to the Mayor budget that did not include a tax increase.

Duvall is challenging Democratic incumbent Sherry Jones.  Ms Jones is one of the most liberal members of the State legislature and has gained notoriety for being the member of the state legislator who most often abuses the legislatures per diem system. While she  is not the member who has taken the most in per diem expenses, she lives within ten miles of the capitol building and her attendance at legislative functions or study sessions does not require overnight logging or extra purchase of meals.

In August, Representative Jones created a controversy when at a Democratic unity breakfast she said of her opponent Robert Duvall, "He hates everybody, where I, on the other hand, love everybody." (link)

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1 comment:

  1. I met him at a find raiser tonight. He doesn't hate everyone. He just doesn't like elected officials abusing their elected positions and abusing the trust that "We the people" have put into their hands. He is a conservative constitutional advocate who wishes to get back to core values and beliefs and there certainly isn't anything wrong in that line of thinking. There are not enough people running with these values.
