Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Someone needs to watch the Farmers Market Commission

The new September 27, 2012 Farmers Market Commission meeting agenda is now available. You can find the agenda at the link:
Farmers Market Commission Agenda

There are several agencies that need to be watched like a hawk.  The Farmers Market is one of them.  This department has been terribly mismanaged, lost lots of money, and yet got a budget increase last Metro Budget.

If you are a citizen of Nashville concerned about waste and corruption, please consider adopting an agency to watch. With a shrinking daily newspaper and fewer reporters to keep and eye on government, there is a greater need for citizen watch dogs than ever before.

While citizens need to keep tabs on all of government, these are the agencies that I think need very close scrutiny:

  • Farmers Market
  • Transportation Licensing Commission
  • Fair Board
  • Human Relations Commission. 

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