Saturday, September 15, 2012


Brad Staats
Businessman Brad Staats, Republican candidate for the 5th Congressional District, named AJ McCall a prominent businessman and strong Republican advocate as State Finance Chairman for his campaign.

“AJ McCall has proven to be a tremendous asset in helping elect several Republican lawmakers across the State of Tennessee. I have enjoyed getting to know AJ over the past couple of months. He will bring valuable resources to the campaign in our efforts to raise the money needed to get our message out to the voters of the 5th Congressional District, “Staats said.

McCall, a graduate of Vanderbilt and a former officer of the Army Reserve, serves as CEO of his family’s successful furniture and appliance store DT McCall and Sons, which has several locations across Middle Tennessee. “With unemployment numbers above 8% for the last 43 months, I feel that Brad brings a new perspective to Washington. I also feel that Davidson, Cheatham and Dickson county residents deserve a Representative that understands the difference in signing a payroll check, instead of the back of one,” McCall states.

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