Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Update 2, Tampa in the tailights: Final Report

Remembering Tampa
Tennessean (Diary),
Our Tampa odyssey began early the Saturday morning preceding the convention. We arrived in Tampa around lunch time, and the airport was abuzz with arriving delegates and greeters from Tampa, including a barber shop quartet which serenaded arriving visitors. My wife and I grabbed the keys to our rental car and headed west to Safety Harbor, a small Tampa suburb where the Tennessee delegation would | Read More »
 'Don't Say Gay' at the GOP Convention: A View From the Floor
Huffington Post
There he was, the first person I literally ran into on the floor of the Republican National Convention in Tampa: Tennessee State Senator Stacey Campfield, the man who authored his states notorious "don't say gay" bill, which, if passed, would ban any ...

Tennessee Delegation Returns from RNC in Tampa
NASHVILLE, Tenn.- The Tennessee delegation has returned from the Republican National Convention in Tampa, and representatives said the event was a success. Fifty eight delegates, 55 alternates and a total of 250 people represented Tennessee at the ...

Kathleen Starnes
Found this in my telephone thought I would share Romney boys, Ben and Craig

Last Wednesday we participated in a forum on Blacks and the Republican Party held at Stetson University in Tampa, FL.
Voters in Appalachia Struggling to Identify With Presidential Candidates
Voice of America
KNOXVILLE, Tennessee — Outside the growing city of Charlotte, North Carolina - host to the 2012 Democratic National Convention - a different section of America watches. VOA's Kane Farabaugh looks at how people who live just a few ... Johnston says he ...

Dems call for diversity training for lawmakers
Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
Meanwhile, Campfield, who is a delegate to the Republican National Convention in Tampa, wrote on his blog that Summerville's reference to a rat's behind has become a “catch phrase” among members of Tennessee's delegation to the convention. As for the ...
Joe Fuller posted in Nashville Liberty on the Rocks 
RNC/GOP Corruption 2012While we were in Tampa, Florida on August 26, 2012 we ran across several Ron Paul delegates who offered to share their experience with the GOP corruption that has been ongoing this
Greg Johnson: Tampa showed Romney is the obvious choice
Knoxville News Sentinel
Tampa, Fla. — Begun under ominous clouds, the Republican National Convention ended on a bright Thursday. Dreary with doubt on the canceled Monday, the mood of the GOP faithful lightened significantly after Condolezza Rice, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney ...
Ayla Brown Serenades Tennessee GOP | Heard on the Hill
Fresh from her stint on the Republican National Convention main stage — our ... to Tampa's ...

Tennessee Republicans leave convention with momentum, optimism
Knoxville News Sentinel
Paul Ryan, R-Wis., pose for photos with campaign staff before a walk through on the stage of the Republican National Convention on Thursday in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci). TAMPA, Fla. — Tennessee Republicans leave their party's national ...
Claire Crouch posted in Cocke County Republican Women 
Two friends of mine and I met privately with Sharon Day, Vice Chair of RNC, in her suite in Tampa. Had an excellent meeting and a really good time. Thank you Sharon. My friends Kathleen Starnes and Beth Campbell went with me to meet with Sharon Day, Vice Chair of the RNC at our convention last week. Thank you Kathleen for the great picture.
Claire Crouch: Paggy Lambert, our National Committee Woman from TN, and I ttending one of the many receptions at the RNC convention. Peggy and her counterpart, John Ryder do an excellent job representing TN.

For more reports from Tampa see Report #1, Report #2, Report # 3, Report # 4, Report # 5, Report # 6, Report #7, Report # 8 , Report # 9 and Report 10.

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