Tuesday, September 04, 2012

“The Competitor in Chief — Obama Plays To Win, In Politics and Everything Else”

A New York Times front page story today called “The Competitor in Chief — Obama Plays To Win, In Politics and Everything Else” is devastating. This is a story from a very liberal, very friendly news organization and yet it is very critical of Obama's executive leadership. The piece makes these two points:

 1. He vastly overrates his capabilities.  Even those loyal to Obama say that his quest for excellence can bleed into cockiness and that he tends to overestimate his capabilities. The nature of the White House, surrounded by people always telling you how great you are,  amplifies those tendencies.

2. He spends extraordinary amounts of time and energy in consequential pursuits. From Golf (104 golf outings since taking office) to bowling to cards he is very competitive and spends a lot of time doing stuff unrelated to running the county. He has a "fixation on prowess."

Even if Obama’s agenda was not an issue, Mr. Obama would not be suited for the job of President. He needs to be fired.  Please read the above story.

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