Tuesday, September 04, 2012

TNGOP Launches 'Obama Isn't Working' Rapid Response Center

NASHVILLE, TN – As the Democratic Party begins their convention today, the Tennessee Republican Party, in conjunction with the Republican National Committee (RNC), has launched an ‘Obama Isn’t Working’ rapid response center at the TNGOP headquarters.

This rapid response center will remind Tennessee voters of the failed promises and failed policies of the past 4 years under the Obama Administration.

“While 23 million Americans remain unemployed or underemployed and our national debt crosses the $16 trillion mark, we will aggressively remind Tennessee voters of President Obama’s failed economic record,” said Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney.

“I’m sure we will hear a lot of speeches and sound bites from the Democrats this week, but voters are looking for solutions and sound policies. We are clearly not better off than we were four years ago, and we will make sure that the Obama record speaks louder than the Obama rhetoric this week,” concluded Devaney.

Throughout the Democratic National Convention, the Tennessee Republican Party will disseminate information via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and e-mail.
More information can also be found at www.ObamaIsntWorking.com.

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