Tuesday, October 02, 2012

update: What's on the Council Agenda for Oct 2, 2012

You can get your own copy of the Metro council meeting agenda at this link: Metro Council Agenda.
From the agenda you can link to the analysis. Council meetings can be really, really boring if you don't know what the Council is voting on. With an agenda and an analysis, they are just really boring.

There are six zoning bills on public hearing but they should interest no one except those living in the vicinity.

There are eighteen resolutions on the consent agenda. There are no resolutions not on the consent agenda. Bills on the consent agenda are passed as a group unless someone objects to them being on the consent agenda. None of the resolutions appear controversial and I do not expect any to be pulled.

On introduction and first reading is  BILL NO. BL2012-266 (Claiborne, Todd), an ordinance pertaining to health insurance benefits for Members of Council after they leave office.  This bill will not be debated on Tuesday.  All bills pass first reading without discussion. After first reading the bill will be assigned to committee.

At last council meeting  the council passed ORDINANCE NO. BL2012-237 on second reading which amends the Metro Code to implement a number of the recommendations of the study and formulating committee pertaining to employee and retiree benefits and pensions. This ordinance basically curtails the benefits of employees going forward. It will be on third and final reading at this meeting.  This is a much needed bill.  Many cities are going broke due to excessively generous defined benefit plans.

An attempt was made by Councilman Clairborne to amend the bill at the Sept. 18th meeting so that going forward, former council members would not be eligible for the subsidized health insurance unless they had served 10 years and then they would pay the same rate as Metro retirees who had served 10 years. (To see the Council discussion of this issue follow this link, and go to 1:09:15 in the video.

Councilman Clairborne withdrew the amendment after several council members raised objections that the amendment had not been to committee. CM Claiborne promised to bring it back the issue as a separate bill. He is now doing so with BL2012-266..

Prior to term limits there were not that many former council members. The body was generally older and there was much less turn over in the body. With term limits there is a growing number of former members of the Metro Council and this benefit for former council members is very expensive. Claiborne's proposal should be adopted.

None of the bills on second reading appear controversial and I expect they will all pass by voice vote with little or no discussion. ORDINANCE NO. BL2012-261 is interesting because it deletes a lot of the code that is no longer enforced such as a bill requiring all pool halls to close at midnight and a section requiring movie projectionist to be licensed and a requirement for the inspection and permitting requirements for coin-operated or self-service dry cleaning establishments. Some of the provisions such as that dealing with dragging lumber in the street and electric street cars are really antiquated.

There are no controversial bills on third reading.

This should be a short council meeting.

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